Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion pt. 2
Today I read the second 'sign' and it certainly helped me in my broad considerations of the subject. Incidently I am also studying John Stott's 'The Cross of Christ' and chapter four helped nit together many of the ideas concerning our state of sinfulness that I mentioned yesterday.
2) Understanding Scripture
i Masters states that a new believer should have a mind that understands and loves God's Word and honour its authority in our lives.
ii Unbelievers find scripture obscure and complicated- therefore a believer must be the opposite.
iii The Holy Spirit alone can unlock Scripture in our hearts, even though we may not understand everything we should have hearts that yearn to learn from Scripture.
iv God's Word should be the authority in our lives, in all aspects. A true convert will wish to obey Scripture on all points.
v We should have a steadfast attitude to Scripture- not someting we turn to in troubled times but at all times.
Again, I believe that these are helpful pointers- Scripture is God's direct revelation to us and a true believer should hold it as the authority on all matters. If we question the authority of God through Scripture are we truely saved?
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